My Story


“Pigtailed Menace: Rosy-cheeked preteen girl rains down hot Halo death”

That was the title of the first magazine article that featured me when I was twelve years old. A lot as has happened since then, and as you can tell, my story is a bit unusual.

Thanks to my older siblings, I grew up competing in national tournaments in the popular Halo series, and subsequently became the first girl to sign a contract with Major League Gaming. After five years of competitions, I hung up the controller, put my nose to the grind, and earned a Bachelor in Science of Computer Science, while continuing to work game industry events in various roles (tech support, brand ambassador, sales).

After much job searching, I landed a role at Bungie as a tester on Destiny. My story came full circle as I ended up working at the very company that kickstarted my obsession with the industry ten years earlier! I had the opportunity to lead Production on multiple teams and projects during my time at Bungie. I now work in the gaming industry as a Senior Producer.

Where does coaching fit into this? Throughout this journey, I felt something missing and realized it was my desire to help others. I continually felt pulled to pursue a degree in psychology or become a therapist, but it never felt right. As I learned about and experienced coaching, I realized it aligned with my vision and desired impact: to connect people to their values and expand their vision of who they can be and what they can achieve.

In this chapter of my life, I produce video games by day and coach by nights (or weekends) in the greater Seattle area. Aside from gaming and coaching, you can find my competitive streak flare up on the tennis court. I also enjoy yoga and horseback riding as a way of relaxing and connecting with myself.


Coaching Philosophy


Personal or professional development should be an adventure! To me, that means a mixture of discovery, conquering, and challenge.

“If it’s not fun, you’re not doing it right.”

I work with people who enjoy play and achievement. They are yearning for “more,” and want to level up in all aspects to ultimately achieve a balanced, fulfilling life. They are ready to explore new methods and move forward!

Coaching is a collaboration between us. You bring the expertise on your life, and I bring curiosity, hard truths, mirroring, and thought-provoking questions. I coach the WHOLE person, with a focus on strengths and the future. The goal of my coaching is to evoke transformation in you, and when that happens, the world around you shifts as well.

Since my background is in production/project management, I act as a personal project manager for your goals, which means building out an actionable plan and following up on each item throughout our partnership.

I bring enthusiasm, vulnerability, and accountability to each session, and expect the same from you.


I have an extensive history in the game industry and have paired it with my training in coaching and positive psychology to create a personal and professional development program that is both fun and transformative! I’m a certified coach through the Co-Active Training Institute, and am applying for my ACC certification from the International Coach Federation.


Game Industry Experience

  • Five years in competitive gaming.

  • Five years working game industry events.

  • Ten years in AAA game development.


Degrees and Training